Friday, June 15, 2007

The curse that follows me

I don't know why but I tought maybe SecondLife was to be my refugee from it but noo my bad luck or curse as I like to call it is here as well.
I've always been quite picky with people, I guess it's a flaw and not a virtue but I can't help it.
It's always been something special about the ones I've liked.
But I've always begun slowly talking with them when I fancied someone.
But it's always the same.
Before I can get the chanse to talk one on one with some other person she is always snatched up by someone else.
It's always been that way.
Once, a single time I met someone and got a bit further, the the one I tought was my best friend came and ruined it for me. And even got the nerve to say "Well can't you be hapy for my sake."
I tought SL was different.
I met Wilde and I love her and everything was fine.
Then yesterday i met someone that I tought was exciting and interesting and was hoping I could talk to Wilde about her and maybe we could play all three.
But even when less than a day has passed she is already taken by someone else.
It's always like this. And it hurts every time. SL hurt as much as IRL too.
*I really hate my life at times*

Slave Princess just can't win.


Wildefire Walcott said...

I'm sorry for you Princess, but it's not just you. The same thing has happened several times to me, in both real life and Second Life. Life is full of lost opportunities like this, and they are painful, it's true. But you should never lose hope, for each day brings new opportunities and the wisdom that you should express your feelings for others earlier than you have in the past.

Slave Princess said...

eat for you to say.
You got a lifemate.